When wrong is done, preferential treatment is not good

Because there was a lot of blind tunnel vision from readers of an article that stated the United States investigated more IDF units for ethical violation, I made comment and posted an addendum to the recent update about hypocrisy… https://3rdcompass.org/g?HAREDIM-CLAIM-MILITARY-EXEMPTION#j_3820993837587578344

People of God Should Know Better

On this 7th and last day of Pesach/Passover, may you honor God and remember where all things come from, so you do not slip as others have done. Comments to a Times of Israel article talking about giving credit for the protection of Israel… https://3rdcompass.org/g?PEOPLE-OF-GOD-SHOULD-KNOW

Crazy to sanction a military unit for human rights violations?

In the past week I made comments to more Orthodox Jewish news, but Passover events kept me busy. Today, I found the time to catch up. An update to Orthodox Judaism’s Claim to Military Exemption – God’s eye is not blind to hypocrisy…

Help us heal God’s kingdom

The Passover Holiday is near and I hope everyone here will sit down to meals with unleavened bread this week and honor the themes of celebration. I also hope you appreciate the refined teaching and guidance you get here, as well, and show your heart for the works of healing and maturing God’s people with His exclusive and direct guidance here.

Like the work of freedom in the Exodus Passover, this ministry’s work is also about freeing God’s people from the chains that believers unwittingly allow themselves to be enslaved in, so help break them by giving. Subscribe at https://3rdcompass.org/signup or make a one-time donation at https://3rdcompass.org/give or by scanning the QR code below.

Thank you and the Lord bless your giving, through Mashiach Yeshua. Amen.

For a refresher of Passover themes, go here: https://3rdcompass.org/g?HOLIDAYS#passover

If you’d like worship songs to use for today’s Passover worship, here are the ones selected for the first day’s worship… https://3rdcompass.org/g?PASSOVER2024#j_5913924875900049384